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Mothers Day Flowers Singapore Loves

Spoil your mother this mother’s day. There is nothing quite as special as a beautiful carnation bouquet for Mother’s Day. Taking the time to select the perfect flowers for your mother tells her that you thought of her and value her like no other. Enjoy a FULL REFUND if we are late to deliver for more than an hour! Our reliability is as awesome as our flowers!


Mother’s Bouquet



Cherish Bouquet


At FARM Florist, we pride ourselves on exquisite flowers delivered in good time with excellent service, all at an affordable price.

Take a look at our wide selection of bouquets and containers, as well as growing plants and gifts. It will take just a minute or two to place your order for delivery to your mother. And don’t panic if you suddenly wake up on Mother’s Day and realise you’ve forgotten to get your mother a gift.

Our Same Day Service can ensure that your lovingly-chosen gift is delivered to your mother that very day. Otherwise, you can order in advance and we will deliver your order on the day of your choice. Please do note that you enjoy MAXIMUM SAVINGS WHEN YOU ORDER IN ADVANCE!

If you’re not sure what to give your mother or overwhelmed by the number of choices available, don’t worry. Why chat with us via the chat box at the bottom right hand corner of this screen to discuss your particular needs for Mother’s Day flowers in Singapore. Our staff can tell you what’s available and advise you of some of our more popular Mother’s Day flowers.

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